Thursday, January 22, 2009

Isn't it funny how i only seem to blog when life is bright and happy!! It seems that as soon as i post about how well things are going, life turns its tail on me!!

December was a very busy and stressful month for me (as it is for most of us!) i had to work full time (yep, i know, poor old me....I am not used to it, haven't worked full time for about 9years!!) so that compounded with PMT and christmas didn't exactly make me the brightest, hgappiest person around.

That being said, it led me to some great places! I discovered a local naturopath who has worked some wonders on the hormonal side of life, lets just say, my family can now live with me all month and they don't have to move out for 2 weeks!! I reintroduced some carbs back into my food to help with energy levels and i have been learning lots of new and useful info from the Lean Eating course i am doing (seriously, i have made some great little changes to my whole lifestyle, the course is great, it is not a "diet plan" but really looks at life as a whole, rest, relaxation, support, exersice, food etc you name it, they have probably got a lesson on it!)

We have moved the TV out of the lounge which has been a great move, the lounge is now a "chill out zone" I always have "lounge music" playing in the background, it is tidy and there are no kids things cluttering up the floor and it makes such a huge difference when you walk into the house as the lounge is one of the first rooms you see. Austar has been taken out aswell, much to the kids disgust, but they have adjusted!! they are finding new ways to entertain themselves and are not so reliant on the TV!!!

We headed off to NZ for christmas with Mike's Rellies and had a great time. Everyone was nice and relaxed and we came home really feeling refreshed and renewed!

We have just about finished the summer school hols, only one more week until they are back at school and then all those after school activites will start again. We have all enjoyed the hols, Mike has had 2 days off per week, as have I and it has worked well, no one is stressing!! We just need to keep these feelings when everything gets back to normal! What is normal? Te past few weeks have been awesome, so is there any reason why the feelings cannot be carried over once the "old routine" starts again. Maye that should be my new years resolution..not stress so much, relax and let things just happen!

Hope the new year is being good to everyone out there in blog land and i promise to blog more often!!!

Have a good one
