Wednesday, January 23, 2008

All is going well with some great changes being evident in the photos
We were without water the other afternoon due to a burst water mains near by and it really made me feel thankful for lifes little pleasures that we take for granted, I am so glad I live in a country where I am able to simply turn on the tap and have fresh, clean (most of the time) drinking water.

That same night I had to x-ray a man who said to me "all i want to know is how much longer i have got" That also get me thinking (what a day that was!!) how much of our time is wasted, how long have we got and are we making the most of every single day?

I plan on making sure that when I get on stage in March, I have taken advantage of everyday I have had to prepare, that way, no matter what the outcome on the day, I will know that I am the best that I can possibly be.

Today has been a rest day for me, so I am enjoying the fact that I don't have to train tonight. Back into it tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

You're looking good, Wendy. I can see the muscles showing through on your legs.

Love the poses too!
