Friday, April 18, 2008

Out of whack

Received my next training program on Monday and was very excited to get it, couldn't wait to hit the gym on Tuesday and try it out! Got to the gym on Tuesday morning to find the doors all locked and a sign on it saying it has been closed down effective immediately!!! How devastating, from a selfish point of view, my gym has been taken away from me, i loved that place, had a great atmosphere, i knew everyone there and felt really comfortable, i could use the creche out of hours, use the aerobics room in peace and enjoyed all my workouts there, from a staff point of view, so many have suddenly lost their jobs with no warning, everyone has bills to pay and houses to run, it is most unfair. Am unsure of the reasons behind the closures, we all received a letter saying it was being closed down due to ongoing issues with the building amenities, but who knows exactly what is happening.

I am lucky that we have a pretty good set up at home as Mike does all his training at home so i am able to keep training, also luckily alot of my leg work is squats and lunges this time around!!

My only problem is making time to workout whilst at home, i need to get myself into a routine of working out and keeping up with all the chores that need to be done (and don't need to be done) prioritising need to be practised! the floors can wait until later in the day if necessary, i need to focus on getting out to the gym first thing the same as i would if i was actually going to the gym, it is funny how many obstacles come up and distractions appear when your gym is in the garage (like now, i should be training!!)

Well, enough of this, i have an upper body workout to do, so i must go and do that now before i am distracted anymore!!


Margaret2007 said...

Oh Crumb Wendy!!! I love going to my gym and would be "out of whack" if mine closed too! Is there another gym nearby????

Question, I never do my LE workouts at home because I don't feel I have a good enough hamstring exercise that is challenging, other than lunges (which I don't do...). Do you do any other resistance type moves for hamstrings? Thanks in advance!

Have a wonderful day...back in whack! :-)

Debbie said...

Wendy, sorry to hear about your gym closing. That'll surely require a change of routine.

You are fortunate to have a home gym.