Tuesday, August 26, 2008

6 weeks out

Caught up with my posing coach on the weekend and realised how rusty i am! need to practise, practise,practise!! Also made it to see the "bikini lady" and have chosen the material and design of my bikini, all i need now is a body to put into it!

New training program is good, it is a 6 day program now, so a bit more intense. Went to the gym yesterday, but was a half hearted attempt, i was so tired i felt i should be in bed instead but fought on figuring that something was better then nothing. Didn't enjoy it! The gym was busy, people were using the benches and weights i wanted and i was almost ready to give up and go home, it wasn't the "stress relieving" session it usually is. Anyway was home and in bed by 8.30 and had about 10 hours sleep!!

Today am feeling better about the whole comp process, am feeling leaner today so that makes life seem a bit rosier! maybe there is hope out there. will just keep plodding!! Am going to slap on some dream tan this week and take some "tanned" pictures, see if i can see all those muscles popping under some colour!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

7 weeks out

Met with Lisa for a training session this weekend, I managed 3 chin ups with minimal help, which was a vast improvement from the last time we trained together. I also had my skin folds taken, Lisa made my BF% 13.5!!!! I was amazed, my measurements put it at around 17% which is still a decrease for me and i have been putting on some lean muscle mass. So with those results in hand, I decided to finally commit 100% to competing in October.

It is kind of a relief having made the decision, it means i can really knuckle down and concentrate on getting into the best form that i can be, there is no room for treats and errors on my diet now, and no more excuses.
I had been debating Octobers comp for a long time, i am quite enjoying the process of putting on muscle and learning how my body reacts to different foods, how much exercise i need to maintain where i am, and just being generally happy with the way i look.
When i competed in March, there was a huge goal, it was a weight loss journey for me, and i really wanted to look like i belonged on stage, not have people pity me being up there. It was way out of my comfort zone and made me work hard towards that goal.
This time around, the urgency and "biggness" of it all isn't there. I know i can do it, i know i can get up on stage, but have i changed enough to make a difference, there is no point getting up there in October and looking the same as i did in march.
I have put on more muscle this time around, and if i concentrate now, i will be able to get up on stage and be big and lean! who knows, i may even be able to bring home a trophy, now how cool would that be, first comp - most inspirational, second comp - a place! now that would be progress!
Am up for a 6 day program for the next 4 weeks, with food being cycled on a 5day low: 1 day high arrangement. Supplements are all stocked up and food is organised for the next 4 days, so am starting the week off strong.
Watch this space!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008


If anyone wants to see some serious action, check out Lisa's blog (under my link of blogs to check out) and watch her videos from the Queensland power lifting champs a couple of weekends ago! This girls knows how to lift some serious weights. From memory, her PB squat is 120kg (she weighs just short of 60kg) and bench press is 75kg, and i was worried about her spotting me doing chin ups!!!!

Lisa is my nutrition/training coach and so far has made a huge impact on my body shape and hormonal balance (she is still working on the mind LOL) If anyone needs help with weight loss/weight gain, hormonal balance, cravings issues, training etc etc I would highly recommend Lisa and the team at bodyworx. They are great and i look forward to seeing the body we have created up on stage in the near future!

That being said, I have made an extra effort with cardio today and done a walk and a bike session, as well as weights so i am quite pleased with my efforts, now, just need to keep that up for another 8 weeks!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

8 weeks to go

wow, only 8 weeks until comp, time flies when you are not prepared!!!

I took photos today in my posing suit that was made but not used last comp. This was under the instructions of my coach, not through my choosing! so i apologise for the poorly fitting bikini!!

I was kind of pleasantly surprised when i compared them to the ones i took the day after comp, i am bigger and i think that is a good thing. Whilst i know i still have a long way to go with regards to body fat issues, i think i have managed to put on some good muscle on the upper body, i seem to be thicker than last time which is a good thing. Just need to work on getting rid of the fat so i can show off the muscles!

can i do it in 8 weeks? well Lisa and Krista (coaches from Bodyworx) seem to think i can, and they are the experts, so watch this space and lets see what happens.
I am going to look around and start organising my bikini this week, obviously a new one needs to be made, and i hope i can get a better fitting one this time around!
I found my posing music last night and had a little practise, i thought i would have forgotten all the moves, but as soon as the music started i knew what to do (just didn't do it too well!) posing and routine now needs to become a focus. During last comp prep, i used to head to the aerobics room of my old gym, shut the door and practise where no one could see me, the problem is that gym closed! My other gyms don't have a private room and all will be able to see me practise (NO!!!!!) oh well, such is life.
I am on a chin up challenge at the moment, Lisa wants me to be able to do 4 next time i see her (2 weeks) so i am the one at the gym who looks like a fool trying to do chin ups! so far i have managed 2!! so out of 3 sets of 10, i can do 2 and then i have to jump up for each chin up individually. must be an odd sight, but one day i will be able to jump up and crank out 10, how cool would that be!!
well, food to be eaten before i waste away to nothing!
Until next time