Sunday, August 17, 2008

7 weeks out

Met with Lisa for a training session this weekend, I managed 3 chin ups with minimal help, which was a vast improvement from the last time we trained together. I also had my skin folds taken, Lisa made my BF% 13.5!!!! I was amazed, my measurements put it at around 17% which is still a decrease for me and i have been putting on some lean muscle mass. So with those results in hand, I decided to finally commit 100% to competing in October.

It is kind of a relief having made the decision, it means i can really knuckle down and concentrate on getting into the best form that i can be, there is no room for treats and errors on my diet now, and no more excuses.
I had been debating Octobers comp for a long time, i am quite enjoying the process of putting on muscle and learning how my body reacts to different foods, how much exercise i need to maintain where i am, and just being generally happy with the way i look.
When i competed in March, there was a huge goal, it was a weight loss journey for me, and i really wanted to look like i belonged on stage, not have people pity me being up there. It was way out of my comfort zone and made me work hard towards that goal.
This time around, the urgency and "biggness" of it all isn't there. I know i can do it, i know i can get up on stage, but have i changed enough to make a difference, there is no point getting up there in October and looking the same as i did in march.
I have put on more muscle this time around, and if i concentrate now, i will be able to get up on stage and be big and lean! who knows, i may even be able to bring home a trophy, now how cool would that be, first comp - most inspirational, second comp - a place! now that would be progress!
Am up for a 6 day program for the next 4 weeks, with food being cycled on a 5day low: 1 day high arrangement. Supplements are all stocked up and food is organised for the next 4 days, so am starting the week off strong.
Watch this space!!


Margaret2007 said...

Wendy, I have to say I see great change in your muscle definition!!! This is a great pose for you!!! KUTGW girlfriend...your dreams are leading you to your reality!

I'm very impressed with your commitment.


ss2306 said...

Hi Wendy

Just found out you have a blog! Looking forward to following your progress.

Luv Shelley

Anonymous said...

which comp will you be at mine is 7 weeks out too or 6 now really! :) im doing inba intermediate in october victorians ?Jewel(ps my blog is:metamorphosis2008 jewel jasmine :)