Monday, December 24, 2007

My beginnings.

Welcome to my journey.

About 18mths ago, i decided to change my body for the better, i saw my first bodybuilding show in Oct 2006 and decided i wanted to compete. Since then i have been working towards building muscle and discarding body fat. It has been a tough journey as anyone who has tried to lose weight will know, but i have made improvements along the way and right now, i am the lightest and tightest i have ever been.

Support has been the most important thing of this journey, it comes from many areas. On the home front i have the full support of my family, from a bodybuilding front, i am involved with the ANB (Australian Natural Bodybuilding) and have attended seminars and worked backstage on shows, and from a friendship and peer suport, i have been lucky enough to have found a group of likeminded women from all over the world on the "dream team" where we are all striving to improve our bodies for the better.

The thing i lack is accountability, so here i am, spreading the details of my journey to who ever decides to read it and follow me! After the christmas period is over (boxing day will do fine) i am embarking on a "discard the holiday cheer fat" mission and then a "shredding for competition" mission.

I aim to acheive this by regular blogging, regular photos and lots of great food, cardio, weights and practise. I am looking forward to discovering my true potential and acheiving a body way beyond my dreams.

Thanks for joining me.


1 comment:

Marbella said...

Hi Wendy!
So wonderful to see that you have a blog, and know it will be the extra thing that will push you on to your goal. Congrats for getting so far on your bodybuilding quest. I wish you all the luck in the world.