Thursday, November 20, 2008

Back to Normal!

well, the head is pretty much back to normal now, I think i must be neck related as the muscles in my neck and upper back are pretty stiff!

The day off work was nice, definitely needed it, but unfortunately all those who we had to turn away came back on Wednesday, so it was a pretty full on day yesterday! Today was back to normal though.

Have changed my herbs i have been taking this week, i am not taking the "stress & anxiety" blend at the moment but have noticed a big difference. My sleep patterns have changed again, i have woken up every night this week, and i don't have the sense of calm that i had whilst taking the blend, so i think it would be wise to go back on them again. This got me thinking!!!!!

I have read a few peoples blogs lately and everyone sounds tired, busy, struggling with weight loss and always juggling things around. I have news for you all, i am the same, and it is all stress on your body! Now, take my advice and head over to Lisa's blog (link from mine) and read up on her views of stress and what it does to your body!

Let me paraphrase for you. Stress is bad! end of story, and we are talking everyday life kind of stresses here. It tires your adrenal glands and produces too much cortisol which inhibits your fat loss. It affects your sleep. If you don't sleep well (and Lisa tells me we should all be sleeping 8 hours uninterrupted) your body does not get chance to rejuvenate and grow (think about it mums, how often did you tell your children that they do all their growing in their sleep!) How do you think you can function at your maximum if you are always tired.

Do me a favour, check out Lisa's blog, look into the effects of stress and get yourself some herbs to help deal with the issues, i am certainly going to get back on mine again.

There we are, i have ranted enough, need to go off and calm down now LOL.



Vickie said...

Hi Wendy! Thanks for posting your thoughts on stress! Wednesday night I slept awful; last night took an herbal formula and slept like a baby! Looking forward to the PN journey! Off to Lisa's blog.


Lisa said...


Thanks for sending your readers my way. If I can only help one of them sleep better I have made a difference.
Yes, get back on your anti stress herbs - get that 8 hours back!

Anonymous said...

The banner looks and works perfectly Wendy. :o) xxx