Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Don't usually get them (to the surprise of my chiro and masseur!!) but have been hit with one for the past 2 days now. Am actually off work with it today, the head and body just aren't connected.

What has brought this on???

Too much processed rubbish i think! We didn't eat well on the weekend and as usual, my body is letting me know about it. Sunday we were out all day, although i packed some supplies, it was not enough. I also didn't drink enough, so this combination has played havoc on my body. The simple carbs have bloated my up, hit my head and left me feeling lethargic and under the weather. Simple answer to this.....water and veggies!!!! My body responds so much better when i feed it correctly. So today is take it easy day, drink lots of water and eat plenty of veggies day! I can't afford to feel bad about myself, I am on a mission... healthy food, balanced mind and building muscles (can't believe how much they have wasted away because i have been too lazy to hit the weights!)

off to drink some more!!



Jadey said...

I hope you are feeling better babe :)

Margaret2007 said...

That was me last week with the headaches!!!! Oh, how annoying they are but I didn't even have the food to blame them on...Thankfully they passed...

Hope you feel relief SOON!!!!

Debbie said...

Hi Wendy, hope your headache clears up soon. I'm sure your bod needed a break from weights after your competition. You'll be back to normal in no time.

Anonymous said...

Awesome, being accoutable is a great help. good on you for getting out there and getting healthy! PN is a great system, most of us have been harping on about balance and how elimiating entire food groups from your plan is just rediculas! I'd love to hear how you go Wendy, you are a gorgoeous girl and it was great to meet you at Bodytune! xox Lindy