Sunday, November 16, 2008


Doesn't time fly when you are having fun!!

Body has spread very nicely since October, weight has increased to my upper limits of being relatively happy with it.

Training is kind of non existent at the moment, although having just received a new program, there is hope on the horizon that the weights and I may just click again! I have actually started jogging once or twice a week which has been nice. my next fun goal is to complete the "Run for the Kids" next April, 15km and i want to run the whole thing, so i am actually doing some training for it this time. I did it back in 2007 with no training (5km fun run and a 7km run)and completed it in 1hr 40mins, i jogged/walked the whole way around, this walking!!!

At this stage, i don't think i will be competing on stage next year, whilst i enjoyed it this year, the desire for it just isn't there at the moment. I have spent the past 2 years training and dieting for comps and i am over it!! My next nutritional goal is to find my healthy balance, make food fun and family friendly again.

Having been working with Lisa since May, one thing that has consistently come up in my biosignature is my stress levels, so this is something i am working on. Now don't get me wrong, I am not "stressed" as such, certainly not in the "business man" kind of a way you would imagine, but my body has had enough of being constantly on the go. I am the same as every other working mum out there, we work, come home, look after kids, drive them around, cook, clean, exersice etc etc and the list usually goes on! This takes its toll on the body, so with the help of yoga, relaxation techniques and chinese herbs, i am becoming a less stressed out person. I have been taking my herbs for about 2 weeks now, and already feel the benefit, increased patience with my family is one of the major differences i have noticed. Not waking up at night either. Apparently waking 3-4 times for the loo is not acceptable and it is not a result of drinking too much, it is stress!! So far i have slept 7 full nights in a row!!!

so with stress levels under control, training orgainsed, the only thing left to conquer is nutrition.

As of Nov 24th i am doing the Presicion Nutrition Lean eating for Women coaching course. 6 Months of being coached in the art of lean eating. very excited about this as i know the program works, and its style of food suits my body and i function much better when i eat the PN way, the only problem is doing it by myself i am not accountable to anyone, so slacken off too often. For the next 6 months i will be held accountable for eveything that i do and eat. We have to post measurements, photos and homework assignments otherwise we are kicked off the course! I intend to use this time to find the balance i have been looking for. I can train for my run, keep up the weights to keep my body lean and mean, and set myself on course. At the end of the 6 months, i should be in a great place (physically and mentally) to consider competing again.

So watch this space, I will endeavour to blog more often and keep you up to speed on all my improvements.

in the mean time.... off to make some relaxation tea and switch off for the night!



Margaret2007 said...

I'm so jealous of a full night's sleep!! I haven't done that in years!!!! Is there a website where one can look at the program?

Sounds like you're on a good road...

Lisa said...

Well done on the sleep, your life will really improve now.