Tuesday, February 19, 2008

5 weeks left

must take some more photos!!!
All is going well and to plan which is great. I had a meeting with my trainer last friday which was very encouraging, she is pleased with progress which really helps my mind!! I am struggling to overcome the mental battles associated with the competition at the moment, i often doubt my progress and can't see the little changes that happen, so it is very encouraging to have someone point them out to you. I have to work on appreciating my body and my changes, not to compare to others, after all, this is me getting ready for comp, with my body shape and muscle definition, not someone out of a magazine or who has already competed. Once i accept this, i think the journey will become easier.

I found the perfect shoes last week, 75% off and white (okay so not so perfect there, but they have sprayed up well!!) so have been wearing them around the house, grocery shopping and even in the home gym!!! It is all about feeling confident in them!! I had a spray tan (faded now) which looked nice, shame they aren't permanent, I plan on having another before i meet with the trainer again as we are going to have a "dress rehersal" with hair, make up and bikini!!! then there will definately be new photos!

I have been really tired the past week and have struggled to train, but i am forcing myself back into it this week, i only have 5 weeks left, so there is no time for sitting back doing nothing just because i don't feel like it, i have to really listen to my body, if it is truely tired i will rest, but if it is just being lazy.... well no more excuses!!

Diet has changed for the next couple of weeks to allow some more fat to drop off and i have to be really careful with sodium, so i am now rinsing my tuna!!! have noticed changes in just the past couple of days on the new plan, so that is encouraging. Just need to keep the momentum. I definately won't be eating chicken, tuna or egg whites for a couple of days after the comp!!

1 comment:

Claudine said...

Hello There!
I'm so happy to see that you're doing so well!

There is a difference between lazyness and dead-tired... And we usually are able to see the diffence ;)

But if you are dead-tired one day, its better to take it off... You'll only be stronger and more motivated the next day!

You're almost there!!!!