Friday, February 1, 2008

Another week down, only 8 weeks to go and many people have said that is ages away yet, it seems so close to me!!!

This week has been tough, I had my first fitting with the bikini on Tuesday and it looked terrible!!! It was made out of any material that was available, and was basically to give the seamstress an idea of what shape, size, coverage etc I needed. So put a too small bikini on a white, bloated body and the results are not great!!!

I am assured that the real thing will be much better and I have a fitting for that in another week, maybe I need to work on the tan between now and then!

Nutrition has been okay this week, although with it still being school hols, we have had later starts in the morning so i have only been fitting in 5 meals rather than 6, I have given into a cappacino craving this week, but sometimes at least I stopped there and didn't add the muffin! Diet coke has been popular this week aswell, so that is something I need to work on again.

Exersice is plodding along, I am trying to get my cardio done, and have decided to mark on my white board the weeks worth, so I can see exactly how many times a week it is getting done, other than that no real news.

Am planing on doing photos this weekend to compare to the last ones taken, and fingers crossed there is improvement, even if it is just in the way I hold the poses.

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