Saturday, January 12, 2008

11 weeks today

Well, i have survived my first week of shreding, with some great results i am pleased to say, it is good to see things working!!

Food hasn't been too much of a problem, i haven't really been hungry or craving anything in particular adn it is quite amazing how you can find extra strength and will power when you need it.

I have had a couple of challenges through the week, one was putting away grocery shopping, opeing packets of biscuits and things bought for the kids, previously i would have eaten atleast one or two things whilst putting shopping away, but this time i had none, i think i counted about 5 occassions where i would have snacked previously, is it any wonder i had not got the results i wanted.

I have missed a couple of cardio sessions due to the heat we have been having at the moment but am hoping that 100% correct eating and weight training will overcome that! Abs are supposed to be done daily, and 2 sessions of those have vanished due to heat and pure fatigue!! Next week i will aim to make sure cardio and abs are done in the morning where possible because i know i struggle to do it later in the day.

Today is my daughter, Abbey's 8th birthday, this was set up to be another challenge with making and decorating a cake, party bags, lollies, McDonalds etc etc , but i have survived. I bought a sponge cake so i didn't have to make one and eat the mixture, bought roll out icing rather than making butter cream and stayed away from all the lollies etc, i knew that if i ate one or just tasted a crumb of cake, that would be me done so i steered clear. We went to the movies this evening where i even snuck in my tupperware container full of salad and tuna burgers for my tea (don't think anyone notice!!) I think i have become a bodybuilder!!!!

Well. abs to do, and food to prepare for tomorrow, a quick trip to Melbourne and then a BBQ lunch, so yet another day that requires thinking and planning, it is all worth it though, in 11 weeks i will be the proudest person out knowing that i have finally achieved something that i have put my mind to, regardless of whether i win a place or not, i know i will be a winner for having made it on stage.

Will take photos tomorrow and record the stats for this week


Debbie said...

Wendy, great job taking your own food to the movies and avoiding all the goodies at the party. That's never easy. Your discipline will be rewarded. Are you planning on posting your new pictures here every week?

Happy Birthday to Abbey.


Wendy said...

Hey Debbie,

It has been a weekend of packed food but atleast there are no excuses!!! I am just about always prepared now.
Yes i plan to post new photos here each week, what better way to stay on top of eveything than having the world check out your progress!!

Debbie said...

I agree, Wendy!

You never know who's coming here to see your progress and don't post.

Looking forward to seeing your new pictures each week.
